Causal Learning for Decision Making (CLDM)

International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)

April 26, 2020

@CausalIclr ยท #CLDM2020

The virtual workshop will consist of a mix of pre-recorded and live content, with multiple different ways to participate!

Quick Links:


Throughout the day we will be livestreaming invited talks, contributed talks, spotlight presentations, and a live panel discussion. Please see the Schedule for details on what is being streamed when.

During the livestream, please also join the Rocket Chat to discuss the workshop content with other participants and to ask questions of our speakers.


Our invited speakers and panelists will discuss a mix of curated and audience questions. Please suggest topics of discussion on the to help us put together the best discussion possible!

"Poster" Sessions

For each paper being presented at the workshop, we will host (1) the pre-recorded presentation from SlidesLive, (2) a RocketChat chatroom for text-based discussion, and (3) a Zoom meeting room. All of these can be found from each paper's landing page (which you can access by visiting the Papers page and then clicking on the relevant paper).

The Zoom meeting rooms will be open only during the poster session timeslots (see the Schedule), during which authors will join the meeting rooms to allow you to ask them questions face-to-face. We encourage you to first watch the presentation associated with the paper, and then join the Zoom meeting room to ask questions and engage in further discussion.

Code of Conduct

By participating in any of the CLDM events, including the chatrooms, panel, and poster sessions, you agree to follow the ICLR Code of Conduct.